When the past in an experimental way is conveyed with ancient yoik tones and contemporary electronic influences, a magical and frightening soundscape is created. At the intersection between the oppression of colonization and the inner strength of the people, the work conveys cultural pride and fighting spirit while at the same time hinting at frightening forces.
SOS Sápmi pays tribute to the love of life, the land and water at the same time as something frightening creeps closer, disturbsing the harmony.
SOS Sápmi was commissioned by the Västerbotten Museum and linked to the museum’s outdoor exhibition. Follow the link and visit the museum: https://www.vbm.se/ljud-pa-friluftsmuseet/
Álguoste iädnamiste riägádame Gieriesvudaste jiänabe sjeddh Giälah jiänabe sjeddh Máddaráhkkán mårieste vuöriedminne Mánáh iädnamiste liehpieh liehpie iädnamen mánáh Sádniesvuahta Báhkuo dahkuo Gulldalit, gulldalit Gulldalit, gulldalit Sámieh Sámieniädname Kriävvah Guohtomlánda Sámieh Urruomesijjene Gulldalit, gulldalit Gulldalit, gulldalit Balldiet Heärrah båhtah Rïjkkaste Bákttieålbmáh Njuavvalit Sápmste Båndásvuohta